Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Animal Manipulation 3 "custom tutuorial"

Greer Brodey Animal Combination Tutorial
Hello, my name is Brodey Greer and today I will be showing you how to make this lovely creature.

Step 1: The first step we need to do is prepare the animal parts we need. (highlighted in red). 
We can achieve this by using the quick select and eraser tool to only select the animal parts we need, Using the zoom tool (Ctrl + or Ctrl – for shortcut) we can get each image down to the parts we need.
That being the toucans Head and neck, The Goats Horns and the Dogs body and neck.

Step 2: After having each part separated it time to Frankenstein them together, first of the Toucan head on the dog’s body.

Attaching the toucans head video here

Minor head adjustments here (only watch this if you accidentaly cut the dogs neck to short)

tments (optional)
After adding the head your going to want to use the blur tool on both layers  in order to make the head seam more natural, if you want you can also add a 50% transparent layer of the dogs next and use the eraser tool to cut out the toucan bit to also head the blend.
Step 3: The goat horns are probably the simplest part about this creature, with you need to simply find a goat horn you like attach it on top of the toucan layer using blur and the paint tool create a base then clone it and put it behind the toucans head. Video below.

Attaching the goat’s horns video here

Step 4: After assembling your amalgamation all you need to is add shadows the way have done it is by creating a sperate layer and using the pen tool drawing black lines where I think shadows would be (under beak, under horns, under the creature on the ground) then I change the opacity to ~35%.
Now that you creature is done make sure to watermark your image and put it on a suitable background!

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