Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Animal Manipulation 2


For my second project i decided to alter some giraffes, i altered all their limbs to be shorter, their body to be more plump, and i gave them hats.

Layers Below

"giraffe2" is the exact same as "giraffe"

How i made:

Head - i simpily selected and removed the neck, brought the head down to base where the neck should be and use the eraser to to remodle the neck base to look and appear as that is where the head should be. Some white lines imulating the spots where also added for more realism.

Legs - I created a copy of the base image and selected each leg induvidually and made them thicker and shorter, then on my main copy i earesed the legs up to the body and insrted each leg induvidually, using blur,erease and some artifical spots itried my best to make the legs appear more natural.

Hat - selected a hat from google images and warped it in order to fit the giraffes.

Sky - Was simpily drawn in and some colour hues where added to make it appear more pastel.

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